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As a conclusion to my last two posts, this article discusses ways of completing the stress cycle and how you know you are through it.  Derived from the book Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle and Brene Brown’s podcast episode of “Unlocking Us,” with the authors Emily Nagoski, Phd and Amelia Nagoski, DMA, these are some key activities to do and milestones to look for.

What are the most efficient ways of completing the stress cycle and getting through the emotional tunnel?

  1. Physical activity, whatever kind works for you. Dancing it out in your living room, standing up at your desk, any movement of your body, walking, jogging. Just move your body!
  2. Breathing will down-regulate your nervous system. Breathing for 1.5 minutes will help you. Just physically breathing is a way to complete the stress cycle and it is highly researched.  There are several types of breathing techniques you can learn.
  3. Positive social interaction- tells your body it is somewhat safe place because you are with a safe someone and interacting.
  4. Laughter-this must be laughter that is gut busting laughter and that will take you all the way through. Even reminiscing with someone about a time you had that type of laugher helps.
  5. Affection- A warm 20-second hug can help your body feel like it has escaped a threat and you feel the shift in your body chemistry.
  6. A big old cry can complete the stress cycle from when the emotion takes over a person’s body. By focusing on the crying experience in your body instead of what you are thinking about the crying experience can help release it in 5 minutes.
  7. Creative expression- By creating something you are putting it in a safe place outside of yourself. Creativity is a great way to process big emotions. Carrie Fisher was quoted as saying, “Take your broken heart and make it into art.”   You can also use your imagination and just imagine your way through a story.  Some people do this while walking on a treadmill.

How do you know you have completed the stress cycle?

  1. You will feel it in your body. Your body tells you when you listen for it.
  2. It is going to take a while to recognize this, you may have layers of stress built up over time.
  3. Just start by noticing an incremental shift in your body.
  4. To be well is a process of moving back and forth between stress and calm.
Bobbye Crawford

Bobbye is dually licensed as a Clinical Addictions Counselor and Mental Health Counselor. She has a passion for “preventing pre-mature divorce and working with couples in recovery.” During non-work time, she embraces time with family and friends and enjoys cooking, hiking and travel.

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