Ever struggle with feeling so emotionally overwhelmed you’re almost paralyzed by it? Or perhaps you’re on the other end of the spectrum and experience apathy, a complete lack of connection with your feelings?
With a culture and society that praises the busy and an ever-increasing pace of life, taking time to slow down and turn your attention inward doesn’t often happen. As a reaction to this, Dan Siegel, a renowned psychiatrist for his work in neuroplasticity, created the following activity using the acronym SIFT.
S – Sensations
Take a moment to take note of any bodily sensations you are experiencing. Perhaps a tightness in any muscle groups? An increased heart beat? A flutter in your stomach?
I- Images
What images come to focus in your mind’s eye? They may be of a memory, recent experience, a person, or really anything that comes to mind!
F – Feelings
Can you name the emotion(s) that you are experiencing right now? Know that as complex humans, it is completely normal to experience multiple emotions (even seemingly opposite ones) at the same time around the same situation. If you can’t find the words to identify the emotions, it is also okay to just recognize that they’re there and feel them for a moment.
T – Thoughts
What thoughts are running through your mind? You may experience an inner voice or it may just be a felt sense. Notice what is happening.
SIFTing through your sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts allows you to bring a presence to your current state and increase self-awareness. I encourage you to practice this activity daily, multiple times a day if possible, in an effort to exercise this muscle until it becomes second nature.