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“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”  –  I John 3:18

Recently, the word “gleaning” has been on my mind, based on the story of Ruth in the book of the Bible by same name.  This concept of harvesting from others’ fields by the widows and various people of need to survive has crossed my mind.  What if one does it from “fields” of information out there to survive in our various roles in life?  I am writing the below with this in mind.

Many people are engaged in what may feel like an overwhelming battle in their marriages and/or the raising of children.  We need all the answers but don’t have the time to search for all the answers nor complete step by step directions for it.  This can lead many to give up.  Instead, consider “gleaning” from various fields (resources) that are available to you.  Over the next few writings several fields will be “gleaned” from for living in one’s marriage and/or work as a parent.

Earlier in the year I was listening to a podcast, entitled “Dad Tired”, where the host was speaking with Gary Chapman.   The title of the episode was “Learning the Love Languages of Your Wife and Kids” and from it I picked up three suggestions that can provide immediate returns as a spouse and parent.

Relationship with God is critical.

Loving self is more natural than loving others.  The more Romans 5:8 & 1 Corinthians 13 takes root in our hearts the more love can grow in and out from us.  The more time we spend in God’s presence and love the more detailed picture of what love is we develop and thus know what to give.

Learn your spouse’s and child’s love language and give it.

Gary stated that usually by age 4 one’s love language can be figured out by what they do in love towards you.  The more one feels loved the less resistant to conflict or correction he/she will be.  Connection promotes growth so, go study your spouse/child for what love language is their native language and speak it frequently while speaking the other languages here and there.  This will provide a well-rounded experience in being able to receive and speak love.

Commit to reading one book a year on both marriage and parenting.

It is funny how much one small step can lead to going forward.  Just like our walk with God is not about achieving perfection but working towards it, our pursuit in our home is progression not completion.  This is God’s job, not ours!

Lopes, J. (Author). (2016-present). Dad Tired [Audio podcast].

Jason Gantt

Jason Gantt is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as an ordained minister, who served as a Christian Counselor in Indiana for nearly 4 years and is currently counseling in Indianapolis area. He has a passion for families and has counseled individuals and families in various settings for over 10 years. He is blessed to be called husband and father in his family and enjoys fire pits, playing tennis and watching various sports, as well as being involved in his local church.

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