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Tracie Tullus

Favorite season of the year: summer, fall, winter, spring?


What is your favorite place to travel (realistically) and what is your dream travel? 

Anywhere beach and warm.  I have enjoyed Hawaii, California, South Carolina.  I would like to either travel to Australia or Africa or both!!

Favorite home cooked meal?

My mom’s spaghetti dinner.

Favorite Grab-n-Go meal?

Five Guys

Were you named after anyone? 

No.  But my mom tells the story of writing my name over and over to choose TracIE, not “y”, not “ey” she wanted it “ie” and it was very important to her that people spell it correctly.

Most unique thing you’ve ever done or are doing? 

I had the privilege of holding a sloth.

What makes you laugh? 

My kids!

What are you currently/most recently binge watching?

Blue Bloods

Favorite tv show, movie, and/or music artist? 


Hawaii or Alaska and why?  

Hawaii because of the warmth, sun and water.

Are you a morning person or night owl? 

Probably more night than morning.

How would your friends describe you? 

Loyal, driven and supportive

Clean or messy? 

Messy, but it depends how messy.

Where did you grow up? 

Wilmington, Ohio

Favorite quote? 

And now these three remain faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.

What makes Groff & Associates different?

Being able to openly work from a Christian world view is refreshing.  It is wonderful to accept people from all walks of life and know that when they walk through the door they are aware of our belief system is so encouraging.

Tracie Tullus

When I'm not in the office, I spend time with my adult children and extended family. I enjoy a variety of physical activity including hiking, strength training, or just walking my pups!

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