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Scott Jones

What is your strongest talent or gift?

I’m not afraid of the dark.

Favorite season of the year: summer, fall, winter, spring?

It has been fall, but that’s painful right now.

What is your favorite place to travel (realistically) and what is your dream travel?

Northern Europe

Favorite home cooked meal? Favorite Grab-n-Go meal?


Were you named after anyone?

I believe I was likely named after the popular song, “Watching Scotty Grow”, by Bobby Goldsboro, 1970. True fact: I listened to the song for the first time while writing this answer.

Most unique thing you’ve ever done or are doing?

I’m an INTJ, a Reformed Presbyterian, and counselor who focuses on emotions. I’m a walking heresy.

What makes you laugh?

Dark humor.

What are you currently/most recently binge watching?

Wednesday (Netflix)

Favorite TV show, movie, and/or music artist?

Ozzy Osbourne

Hawaii or Alaska and why?

Alaska – I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, and I enjoy the mountains and forests.

Are you a morning person or night owl?


How would your friends describe you?

Not as scary as new people might think.

Clean or messy?


Where did you grow up?

Washington state, east of Seattle, in the foothills of the Cascades.

What is your most courageous moment?

Facing my childhood abuse.

What is one thing God is teaching you right now?

That I’m loveable.

What would we be surprised to learn about you?

After an intense session of dark disclosures, I will write my progress notes while listening the Halloween soundtracks.

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do for many reasons. First, I do this because it’s what I’ve been called to. I don’t say that lightly. Second, I do this because it’s my passion. It’s not a job. Third, I do this because it seems that this is what the Lord has been shaping me for, all of my life. Fourth, when I left for seminary one of the elders in my church told me that I should be going to seminary to be a pastor because I simply couldn’t not do it – it’s all and only what I can do – it’s in my bones. I could never say that about being a pastor. But, as a therapist, I can do no other thing.


Scott Jones

Scott is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate that cares about people, their unique story, their pain, and their thriving. During seminary, he found that his passion for theology, culture, and mission, along with an interest in metal music and horror films, came together in a call to counseling. Scott enjoys books, comics, film, and card games such and Magic: The Gathering and Pokémon.

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