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Sometimes, we have to think about where we are in our marriage in order to have a better understanding of what to do next.

So, ask yourself these few questions about your marriage:

Do we bicker and fight more often than not?
Do we find ourselves playing the blame game over issues or subjects that don’t matter?
Do we rarely make time for each other and seem to find other things to do with our time?
Do we rarely make love?
Are you concerned more times than not that your children see you fighting rather than loving?

If you said “yes” to any of the above questions, it’s time you started having an investment mentality with your marriage.  But, where and how to invest, you ask?  If you feel you are in a marriage that is neglected and ignored with your spouse than consider Grace Marriage.

Grace Marriage is a 6-hour quarterly event at a local church where you and your spouse set aside time with other couples working through your marriage with gratitude, intimacy and goal-setting.  It affords you uninterrupted time with your spouse to really look at your marriage with grace and intention to bring about transformational change through Christ’s help.

Grace Marriage @ Home is another great way for couples to get time together at home and to continue to grow and stay focused on the quarterly goals that are being set together.  There are weekly date night strategies, worksheets and questions to continue to pay attention and lift up your marriage together.

Grace Marriage is not for the highly distressed couple.  If you are feeling your marriage is in a crisis and needs additional care and support, seek out Groff & Associates for professional counseling with one of our Marriage & Family Therapists or Mental Health Counselors.

Grace Marriage and Groff & Associates are great ways to transform and save your marriage before it’s too late!

Sally Groff

Sally Groff is the Clinical Director at Groff & Associates and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has 20 years of passionate work with children, adolescents, couples, and families, in dealing with relationship issues, trauma, grief, and loss. Sally loves Jesus and her family, enjoys puttering around in her garden, playing pickleball, and having at least one good belly laugh per week.

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