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A couple of weeks ago, when I was coming into my office, a Red-Shouldered Hawk was perched behind one of our air conditioning units and seemed vulnerable.  I didn’t realize how vulnerable he was until I came out of my office in the evening and saw how he was hobbling and couldn’t fly when he hid under some underbrush behind our office.  I didn’t know what to do and I talked sweetly to the bird saying, “Hold tight.  I’m gonna see if I can get you some help.”

I left my office and when I got home, I showed this picture to my family and we all started talking about how to save him.  So, my husband was like, “why don’t we go back and see if we can’t catch him and bring him home.”  I said, “I’ve never caught a bird that size…have you?!?”  I think he realized we were in over our heads and we decided the best place to help him was Google!  Of course, so I googled hawk rescue places in Indiana.

I found the Indiana Raptor Center and she tried to explain how to capture the hawk, at one point I hear myself saying to her, “Well, I hear you but this isn’t my cup of tea to try to capture this bird.”  With understanding and compassion, she said, “No problem. I have the couple just for you!”  As she gave me the names of an 85-year-old English couple who have spent a lifetime rescuing and rehabilitating these beautiful birds, I was in awe of what God was doing.  He was reminding me how loving God’s creatures sometimes takes a village to see help in a time of need.

So, the next morning, I got out of my car and walk toward the underbrush from where he hid before. At first, I didn’t hear anything moving and as I approached closer, to my surprise, the beautiful hawk jumped out as if to say, “I’m here!  Please help me.”  I reassured the hawk again saying out loud, “I’m going to call to get you help, just stay put, I’m gonna make sure someone comes to rescue you.”  Silly, huh?!?

I phoned Liz and asked if she could assist me in capturing the wounded hawk.  She replied in a sweet English accent, “Oh, I’m sorry, love, we simply don’t have the ability right now to help you.  My husband is not ambulatory and we are in COVID quarantine.  However, I will phone my friend, Didi, and see if she is able to help you.  I’ll call you if she isn’t able to come.”

That morning, Didi, a sweet, middle-aged woman came out to the office on and took the sweet hawk to the Aviary and Exotic Animal Clinic straight away.  We found out that the hawk had a broken wing in three places and a broken leg.  I was told he had to be euthanized as he couldn’t return to the wild.  I was so disappointed when I found out that afternoon.

But God’s grace is always sufficient.  It’s not what I hoped or wanted, but as I was leaving to return home that Wednesday evening, I saw another hawk flying overhead before my van and I felt God’s sweet touch in my spirit saying, “I take care of the hawks and I take care of you.  You did the right thing and I appreciate you helping out my creation.  Your hawk is safe with me.”  And in an instant, my disappointment ceased and it was all the comfort I needed.

Don’t forget that God cares for all of His creation, including you.  As shared by Paul in Romans 8:31

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?” May you rest in the knowledge that you are loved and safe.

Sally Groff

Sally Groff is the Clinical Director at Groff & Associates and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has 20 years of passionate work with children, adolescents, couples, and families, in dealing with relationship issues, trauma, grief, and loss. Sally loves Jesus and her family, enjoys puttering around in her garden, playing pickleball, and having at least one good belly laugh per week.

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