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Depression is a mental health disorder.  It can and will affect your physical health.  Depression comes in a broad umbrella of symptoms that you may have difficulty recognizing or identifying without the assistance of a professional counselor. In other words, metaphorically speaking, when depression rains it pours. Research indicates most of us have experienced some type of depression. According to this current research, depression can occur in three forms.  The three types of depression are:  Situational, Biological, and Psychological, which I will define for you.

Situational depression

Puts you in a circumstance where you feel sadness or grief of loss for an unlimited period of time and seems to persistently give a negative outlook to events or relational situations.  For example, you having marital distress or distress with your boss or job circumstances.

Biological depression

Affects your health as it relates to your physiological makeup.  For example, you may have a family history of depression or you struggle with maintaining your moods regardless of your life circumstances.

Psychological depression

Pertains to you losing perspective, having unrealistic expectations with others, and your negative self-talk is overpowering any positive communication with one’s self.  For example, you compare yourself negatively to others and have a low self-esteem or self-worth.

Have you experienced any of these depressive times in your life?  If so, please know that you can call on a mental health professional to help you move forward with the healing process you need.

Reference: Cottone, John G. (2020).  The cube. Four types of depression. Retrieved from

Mary Guynn

Mary Guynn is a Mental Health Counselor Resident. She is devoted to working with loss, crises and trauma in people’s lives that include the needs of young children, preteens, adolescents, and adults. Outside of work, Mary likes to read, sing, and listen to different genres of music.

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