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Do you find yourself doing a job you don’t feel you were designed to do?  Ever question, if this is what you are supposed to do with your life’s work?  In Part One of my blog, Identifying Vocational Depression, I tried to point out several ideas of knowing you are dealing with a job you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed to do.  In this blog, we are going to talk about how you were uniquely and specifically designed to do a job only God made for you to do!  AND how to do your job for the Lord with great passion, purpose and direction.

For some us, we have tried several different types of jobs and nothing seems to fill the passion, purpose and direction boxes.  As I shared before, we all want meaning and contribution in our jobs.  How do we determine this?

One step, you might consider is to take a few quick assessments.  A kind of get to know you better guide.  This might give you some careful ideas of what jobs might be best suited for you.

Ennegram Test 

This is a simple 10 minute assessment for free you can take to understand your personality better and locate the type of jobs that work best for your personality.

Strengths Finder

This free assessment is based on the Strengths Finder book is packed with an assessment and lots of brief information of who you are and what you value most as a person.  This can be a good resource to identify some job areas you are most passionate about.


This assessment has been out for a long time with lots of validating research of understanding yourself and others.  This could also be helpful with the Ennegram test in getting detailed information about your personal preferences.  Here is a free assessment link.

Take the time to know yourself and then you will have a better understanding of evaluating why your job may or may not be best suited for you and what might be a next job to consider going forward.  Giving yourself the opportunity to explore with personal tools in hand.

Once you have really given yourself the ability to explore your preferences and personality, now it’s about putting faith in action.  This is the really fun part!

God has a three  Scriptures that I believe really fuel us with hope in our jobs.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future.”

Proverbs 16:3  ”Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.”

2 Peter 1:3  “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

The hope for your jobs doesn’t come from yourself; it comes from God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.  And He specifically appointed you to do a passion, purpose and direction only you can do!  So you must consider God’s plans and His purpose for your life as you take the next steps.  Pray to God, seek wise counsel, use your Godly wisdom and discernment, and pay attention to the direction of your next job.  Don’t allow anyone or the enemy to distract you from what you believe you are divinely called to do.  Then, as Nike, major athletic brand, coined, “Just do it!”

Sally Groff

Sally Groff is the Clinical Director at Groff & Associates and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has 20 years of passionate work with children, adolescents, couples, and families, in dealing with relationship issues, trauma, grief, and loss. Sally loves Jesus and her family, enjoys puttering around in her garden, playing pickleball, and having at least one good belly laugh per week.

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