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Sally Groff

Were you named after anyone?

I was named after my Mom’s sister, Sarah.

What makes you laugh?

My husband and my kids.

Favorite TV show, movie, and/or music artist?

TV Shows:  The Voice, Big Bang Theory, The Crown

Movies:  When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Meet the Parents

Music Artists:  Third Day, Jars of Clay, Dave Matthews

Hawaii or Alaska and why?

Both.  Hawaii for relaxation and Alaska for adventure

Are you a morning person or night owl?

Morning person.

Where did you grow up?

For the most part, West Lafayette, Indiana. I had a short stint in Springfield, Missouri.

Favorite quote?

Maya Angelou — “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

What makes Groff and Associates different?

Groff & Associates is the body of Christ in love and action.  We are many parts that form one body for the Indianapolis community.  We don’t look at each other as able individuals; we are a family.

Sally Groff

Sally Groff is the Clinical Director at Groff & Associates and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has 20 years of passionate work with children, adolescents, couples, and families, in dealing with relationship issues, trauma, grief, and loss. Sally loves Jesus and her family, enjoys puttering around in her garden, playing pickleball, and having at least one good belly laugh per week.

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