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Do you feel trapped or stuck because of destructive learned behaviors, lies, anxiety, depression, negative self-talk, anger, bondage, denial, and the list goes on?  Do any of these or all of these hold you back from positive forward movement to start the healing process?  Pay attention to the commonalities of each:

Destructive Learned Behaviors:

These are patterns of negative behavior(s) learned from others; some behaviors that may need to change.


Widely held, false beliefs or ideas you grew up with.  Lies keep us trapped and stuck; sabotaging self-growth, and healing.


Reflects nervousness, worry, concern, fear, apprehension, angst, etc.  Unfortunately, anxiety is a next-door neighbor to depression; trapping you in an unhealthy state.


Reflects unhappiness, despair, sadness, misery, hopelessness, etc.  This emotion usually partners with anxiety; making your life more complicated and trapped in an unhealthy state.

Negative Self-Talk:

Negative self-talk immobilizes you from being able to experience possible outcomes.  According to the authors of Telling Yourself the Truth, Backus and Chapian (2000), “Self-talk means the words we tell ourselves in our thoughts.  It means the words we tell ourselves about people, self, experiences, life in general, God, the future, the past, the present; it is specifically, all of the words you say to yourself all of the time” ( p. 28).


This emotion reflects your hurt, pain, self-protection, and self-defense; if not allowed to vent and be treated appropriately, you become cold and inflexible to self and others; you become trapped.


Strongholds of negative thoughts keep you stuck in bondage.  According to the author of The Bondage Breaker, N.T. Anderson (2000), “In our natural state, we learned many ways to cope with life or defend ourselves which were not always mentally and emotionally healthy.”  Anderson equates self-bondage to “strongholds of self-defense” (p. 60).


Denial of healthy self needs, whether knowingly or unknowingly keeps you from facing the truth.  For example, denying the professional help of a mental health therapist that can help you help yourself toward a healthy and positive outcome

So, what holds you back from positive, forward movement in your life?


Anderson, N. T. (2000). The Bondage Breaker. Harvest House.  Eugene, OR. 97402
Backus, W. & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling Yourself the Truth. Bethany House. Bloomington, MN

Mary Guynn

Mary Guynn is a Mental Health Counselor Resident. She is devoted to working with loss, crises and trauma in people’s lives that include the needs of young children, preteens, adolescents, and adults. Outside of work, Mary likes to read, sing, and listen to different genres of music.

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