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When you’ve lost touch with your partner, emotionally, it can be difficult to even engage in conversation.  It might seem like you’ve got nothing to talk about anymore besides work, the kids, and finances.  But, in reality, you’re just out of practice.  Now, good conversation requires a certain amount of willingness from both partners and there are no conversation starter questions magical enough to force an unwilling partner to talk against their will.  But, if you both have at least a marginal willingness to try something new, then these questions just might give you the fodder to start a refreshingly new kind of conversation. 

  1. If you could have unlimited speed, agility, strength and physical fitness for one day, what sport would you want to try?
  2. What social stigma does society need to get over?
  3. What was the strangest punishment your parents ever gave you?
  4. What food best describes your personality?
  5. What’s the strangest date you ever went on?
  6. Of what accomplishment(s) are you most proud?
  7. What kinds of physical touch best demonstrate love to you?
  8. If you could win a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?
  9. If you could have lunch with anyone, who’s currently living, who would it be?
  10. What makes you feel the most loved: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, physical touch, quality time, or something else?
  11. What’s on your “bucket list?”
  12. What crazy thing do you want to try someday?
  13. What do you remember about the day we first met?
  14. If we could teleport anywhere in the world, right now, where would you want to go?
  15. What do you miss about being a kid?
  16. On what life experiences have you missed out? Do you have regrets?
  17. What has been your biggest screw up, so far?
  18. When did you know I was “the one?”
  19. What is the most embarrassing phase you ever went through?
  20. If you could have one super power, what would it be? (Superhuman strength, superhuman speed, telepathy, invisibility, teleportation, time travel, ability to control the elements, immortality, x-ray vision, precognition, flight, shape shifting, etc…) Would you be a superhero or a super villain?
  21. If we could travel back in time, to any period in history, to what time period would you want to go?
  22. What musical instrument do you wish you could play?
  23. Has a mundane occurrence ever completely changed the course of your life?
  24. What is the nicest compliment you’ve received?
  25. If someone gave you enough money to start a business – no strings attached – what kind of business would you start and why?
  26. If you could live out the plot to a TV show or movie, which one would it be?
  27. To what age would you like to live?
  28. If you could travel to any country in the world for one month, where would you go?
  29. What is your favorite memory of someone who isn’t in your life anymore?
  30. How superstitious are you?
  31. What has been a recurring theme in your life?
  32. What’s something you love that other people think is gross?
  33. What is the most useless thing you know how to do?
  34. What seemed normal in your family growing up, but now seems weird?
  35. What is one area in your life where you feel like something is missing?
  36. Is there anything you consider absolutely unforgiveable?
  37. How do you think you’ll die?
  38. What book or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time all over again?
  39. Do you think that ghosts or spirits really exist?
  40. If you had a friend who spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, would you keep them as a friend?
  41. What petty thing, that people do, really gets on your nerves?
  42. What brings meaning to your life?
  43. What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of it?
  44. What is something you wish you could say to people but can’t?
  45. What are some of the most attractive traits a person can have?
  46. If you were to die tomorrow, what is something you would have to do to feel at peace?
  47. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?
  48. What small pleasures do you enjoy the most?
  49. Who is the most irritating person you know?
  50. What would your perfect life look like?
  51. If you received a salary to follow whatever interest or passion you wanted, what would it be?
  52. What friend have you not thought about in a long time?
  53. What’s the craziest thing that has happened at a job you worked at?
  54. Who do you act nice around but secretly dislike?
  55. If money was no object, and with no input from me, how would you decorate your/our house?
  56. Are you hopeful about the future?
  57. Who do you want to be more like or who do you look up to most?
  58. What were the healthiest and unhealthiest periods of your life?
  59. What’s the worst emotional or mental anguish you’ve endured?
  60. What’s something you screwed up and then tried to hide?
  61. What’s the scariest/creepiest place to which you’ve ever been?
  62. Do you think the world is improving or getting worse? Why?
  63. How do you think society is changing? Do you think we’ll change with it?
  64. What’s the biggest betrayal you have ever experienced?
  65. What would you want your obituary to say?
  66. What gives you joy?
  67. What has taken up too much of your life?
  68. What’s the most disheartening realization you have come to?
  69. What are some of the most profound truths you’ve discovered over time?
  70. If you could spend one day with a deceased historical figure, which one would you choose?
  71. What do you remember about our wedding day?
  72. What was the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn?
  73. What part of you, as a person, still needs work?
  74. What are some words of wisdom that have stuck with you over the years?
  75. If you got to choose, how would you choose to die?
  76. Is there anyone you’ve found very difficult or impossible to forgive?
  77. What’s your fondest memory of a tree?
  78. Are you happy with the career path you chose or do you wish you had chosen a different one?
  79. What would be the worst thing to hear as you are going under anesthesia before heart surgery?
  80. What makes you lose faith in humanity whenever you think about it?
  81. What was the most painful thing you ever heard?
  82. If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the most inappropriate movies?
  83. If you could bring one person back to life, who would it be?
  84. What biases do you think you have?
  85. What are you battling that you don’t tell anyone about?
  86. To what luxury do you most enjoy treating yourself?
  87. What do you most like to do when you have alone time?
  88. What is normal now that will be considered unethical and barbaric in 100 years?
  89. When you’re gone, what do you want to be remembered for?
  90. If there was a horrible accident and you were unconscious and on life support, how long would you want to remain on life support?
  91. Do you believe in good luck and bad luck?
  92. What are your hopes for our children?
  93. If you had a million dollars to give to any charity, what type of charity would you give it to?
  94. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?
  95. If you could take a year-long paid sabbatical, what would you do?
  96. What is the worst gift you’ve ever received?
  97. What’s something that a lot of people are afraid of, but you aren’t?
  98. What riddles do you know?
  99. What can someone do that makes them immediately unattractive to you, no matter how attractive they are physically?
  100. What untrue thing did you believe for an incredibly long time?
  101. What do you find breathtakingly beautiful?
  102. What animal are you most afraid of?
  103. How well do you think you would handle prison?
  104. What’s the most awkward social situation you’ve been in?
  105. What is something that scares you on a regular basis?
  106. When was the last time you cried?
  107. What’s the most peaceful/restful night of sleep you’ve ever had?
  108. What’s the most dangerous, thrill-seeking idea you would consider doing?
  109. What invention doesn’t get a lot of love, but has greatly improved the world?
  110. What do you think happens after death?
  111. What is the worst advice you’ve ever been given?
  112. What’s your biggest regret?
  113. Is it better to trust people or to not trust people?
  114. What is something we should enjoy more because it won’t be around for long?
  115. What’s a question you wish people would ask more often?
  116. What is the saddest thing about your life that nobody knows?
  117. What question do you most want an answer to?
  118. What unethical experiment would have the biggest positive impact on society as a whole?
  119. Tell me about a time when you were snooping and found something you wish you hadn’t.
  120. If you could instantly learn a talent or skill, what would you want to know how to do?
  121. What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
  122. What’s the biggest favor you’ve done for someone?
  123. What do you want out of life?
  124. In what ways do you want to be different than your parents and in what ways do you want to be like them?
  125. What’s something people don’t worry about, but they really should?
  126. What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
  127. Do you think that children born today will have better or worse lives than their parents?
  128. What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?
  129. Tell me about a time when you felt like you had a new lease on life.
  130. What’s the funniest actual name you’ve heard of someone having?
  131. What unique game of pretend did you frequently play as a child?
  132. What was cool when you were young, but isn’t cool now?
  133. What’s your best story from a wedding?
  134. What movie seriously scarred you as a child or as an adult?
  135. What’s the coldest you’ve ever been?
  136. What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
  137. What irrational fears did you have as a child?
  138. Who do you feel like you know even though you’ve never met them?
  139. What are some of your earliest memories?
  140. What do I do that makes you the happiest?
  141. What have you struggled with your entire life?
  142. What adventure would you like to go on with me?
  143. When did you first find out about sex? Who told you? What did you think?
  144. Do you ever have recurring nightmares? What are they about?
  145. What’s the best relationship advice you’ve received?
  146. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?
  147. Where do you want to retire?
  148. Do you think that aliens exist?
  149. What’s the best/worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone or that was played on you?
  150. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?
  151. What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced?
  152. Where is the most uncomfortable place you have ever slept?
  153. What’s something you never confessed to your parents until much later, but that you laugh about now?
  154. Do you think that people are essentially good or essentially evil?
  155. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be and where would you get it?
  156. What scares you about getting older?
  157. If you could choose to stay at one age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose to be?
  158. What is the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

List curated from the following websites:

Autumn Schulze

Autumn Schulze is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has years experience working with individuals, couples, children, and families. Autumn especially enjoys working with clients in the areas of anxiety, divorce recovery, trauma recovery, spirituality/ Christian discipleship, and women’s issues. When not at work, Autumn can often be found camping in Indiana and Michigan state parks, cooking for friends and family.

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