Imagine being in a room with a therapist for the first time. What are your expectations of the therapist? What words would you use to describe your feelings? Do you want help starting your healing process, or do you only want to talk about your feelings for now? Do you know if you are willing and ready to deal with your issue(s)?
The Room Consists of You and the Therapist.
Being in the room with a therapist for the first time may feel awkward. This may happen because you really do not know or trust the person in front of you and you are considering sharing very personal information with them. You may even be embarrassed about the things you want to share. Is this YOU?
Are Your Expectations Set Too High for the Therapist to Help You?
Expectations may be too high if you are hoping the therapist will invest more than you are willing to invest in the issues you bring to the table. Are you willing to recognize your struggles that brought you to counseling? Are you willing to do what it takes to break any barriers in the healing process that continue to hold you back from moving forward?
Do You Want Help?
Do you want help to begin your healing process, or do you only want to talk about your feelings? Either is okay, but it’s important to identify where you are with the process. If you want help, you must be open to identifying the nature of the problem you struggle with your therapist. Are you ready and willing to address your issues?